With over 60 years of experience, Les Industries Poulin & Fils stands out for its expertise in the design and manufacturing of screeners and other equipment throughout Quebec.
In order to always provide our customers with quality services, we are constantly improving our methods. We also select and manufacture our products according to your specific requirements. In addition, our team always strives to stay at the forefront of technology to guarantee your satisfaction on all of your projects.
Our flexibility and rapid adaptation are also some of our best assets. We are able to offer you strategic and effective solutions.
Each model of rotary screeners is designed to facilitate rapid drum changes. There is no need to disassemble a section of the equipment. Thus, if your needs require having several drums with different screen opening sizes, you can swap the drum with minimal handling.
At Industries Poulin & Fils, we also inspect our parts rigorously in order to offer you quality screeners, as well as compact and functional equipment. Each part is carefully selected to meet your expectations.